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The entrance (to Shimbar) is quite lovely, huge trees of a sort I did not know, along a gorge with upper slopes crowded with grazing sheep and goats. The gentle gorge was overgrown with wild trees, wild roses, wild grapes and thickish undergrowth

Extract from fieldwork diaries
Bakhtiari People at Shimbar

Extracts from David’s fieldwork diaries

“Shimbar our next stopping point is not far away and we left at a less hectic pace… The entrance (to Shimbar) is quite lovely, huge trees of a sort I did not know, along a gorge with upper slopes crowded with grazing sheep and goats… The gentle gorge was overgrown with wild trees, wild roses, wild grapes and thickish undergrowth.”

“Shimbar is an enormous very fertile valley, very green with grass… The valley is not crowded at all but there are signs of permanent habitation on the slopes of the opposite side. Some ruined houses are there, and on the valley floor over the other side we can see what looks like walled off patches of cultivation.”