David Brooks Memorial Prize
David Brooks Memorial Prize

The David Brooks Memorial prize is an annual award is given in honour of David, to the student producing the most original ethnographic research in the form of a third year dissertation.
The criteria upon which originality will be assessed relate to the following aspects of the research:
- originality of design – including topic and scope of research.
- originality of implementation – including conduct and commitment in field research
- originality of interpretation – including analysis and theoretical insight
- originality of presentation – including quality of writing and styles of presentation (e.g. use of different media)
Further information on how to apply is available from the David Brooks Memorial Award page.
More information about the David Brooks Memorial Prize
Following his death, it was suggested by David’s friends, relatives, colleagues and students that a fund be established in recognition of his highly distinctive contribution to teaching and research in social anthropology. The objective of such a fund would be to encourage, by way of an annual prize, originality in undergraduate ethnographic research and writing for third year students. To date numerous generous donations have been made to the Fund from some of the many people who knew and admired David.
Donors to the Memorial Fund
Dr. Ahmed Al-Shahi, Dr. Simon Coleman, Dr. Hyla Holden, Dr. Marie Johnson, Dr. Walia Kani, Dr. A. Russel & Dr. T Kohn, Professor Robert Layton, Dr. W. D. Wilder, John Hayward (Principal, University College Stockton), Dr. Sue Wright, Dr. Sarah Ladbury, Christina Callan, Mr. Peter Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. J & A MacDonnell, Bob and Joanna Simpson, Dr. J Hockey, Mrs. E Smart, Dr. D Walker, Wendy James and Douglas H Johnson, Mrs. E. W. Wright, Dr. Iain Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. D Munro, Mr. and Mrs. A.M & E.W Gold, Mark Bradbury & Judith Gardner, The Brooks Family, Sam Peterson, Dr. Sheena Crawford, University of Durham Department of Anthropology, Michael Gilsenan, Alison and Jeremy James.
The students eligible for the award are all those completing an ethnographic dissertation as part of their third year studies (this includes honours and joint honours students).